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Accepting or Rejecting a Work Request

Once your staff has entered a work request, you can accept it by turning it into a work order that is ready for completion.

How to Accept a Work Request

  1. From the Dashboard, click on Pending Requests under the Work Orders section.
  1. Hover your mouse over a request and click the Accept link that appears.



  1. This will populate the request information in a new work order form.
  2. Select the Priority for this request.
  3. Select a Category to specify the type of work being done. Then select a Subcategory to further describe the work. *Note: The Category you select will determine the Subcategories listed in the pick list.
  4. Fill out any additional information as needed and click Save. *Note: You must complete and save the work order form in order to accept the request.

How to Reject a Work Request

  1. From the Dashboard, click on Pending Requests under the Work Orders section.

  2. Hover your mouse over a request and click the Reject link that appears in the right corner or the one on the bar above. This will open a window for you to share your reason.



  3. Enter a Note and select a Rejected Reason from the pick list.



  4. Select the Visible to Requestor checkbox.

  5. Click Reject to save the review.


       Bright Idea:

When reviewing pending requests, users have the option to use the same Reject button available on the Dashboard in the Request Preview window for easier access when needed.